sång för döva öron 12

My ears hurt so bad. I sat down on a chair. Before me layed two aspirins. I swallowed them quickly and washed them down with water. The vibrations in the floor told me that he was coming up to me. I put on a brave face, ready to pretend that nothing hurt.

He put his arms on my shoulder and kissed my neck. I smiled and turned around, to meet his lips.

“Are we doing anything today?” I wrote on a note. He shook his head.

“I have another day off,” he told me and smiled. I giggled inboards. That meant fun.

“Do you feel like doing anything?” he asked.

“We can watch another movie,” I suggested on the paper.


After watching a movie we ended up in bed. Of course. She was so beautiful. I had to kiss her everywhere and I carried her from the sofa to my bed.

The lovemaking between us was so familiar now, yet still so new and adventurous. Some times I was scared that I wasn't satisfying her, since she never said anything or even moaned. She could breathe heavily, and sometimes she looked me in the eyes and smiled, and it filled me with happiness and adrenaline.


We were in the middle of it, and I was sweating and panting and she was breathing and dragging her nails across my back. I moaned out loud, but it didn't sound like my usual.. moanings. I closed my mouths. There was something else there too. Suddenly I heard it again. It was a sore hissing sound. It took me a while to figure out that it was coming from.. her. I stopped completely.

She shook her head, and looked at me with confusion.

“What?” I said. She sat up and stared at me. I realized the funny situation since I was still inside her, and I rolled of her, wrapping the quilt around me.
“You... sounded,” I said. She obviously didn't believe me.

“I swear, you kind of.. moaned,” I said and blushed a bit. She fetched the notebook and wrote one word. “Impossible.”

“Maybe.. but it's what I heard.”

She nodded slowly. Then wrote again.
“I've never had sex before. Maybe it did something to my throat?” she asked. I blushed again.
“Yeah, maybe. Try doing it again,” I suggested. She smiled and opened her mouth.

Nothing came out.

We must have tried for at least an hour before she told me her throat was dry and she was tired. So we spent the rest of the day in bed and fell asleep in each others arms.


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