sång för döva öron 22

Are you sure you want to go home? You can stay here a while longer,” the doctor said, but I just shook my head.

I don't want to stay here any longer.” I said firmly and smiled at Bert, who was holding me up with a smile on his face. The doctor sighed, obviously beaten and let me free.
As soon as we came in to his apartment I felt home and completely happy. We kissed a little, careful because of my bruised face, but still excited and totally in love. He carried me to the bed, and there we lay for hours, just talking, getting to know each other from the beginning. There was so much I wanted to tell him, and so much I wanted to hear.


Hayley,” he asked. I opened my eyes. It was night and we had decided that we should rest, and talk more in the morning, but he still said it. I looked at him. He was staring at me, with a smile on his face, but also a bit scared.

Yeah?” I asked. He took my hand.

Do you want to be my girlfriend?” he asked. I laughed.

I thought I already was,” I said. He smiled, and blushed.

Yeah, but I thought we could make it official,” he said and moved closer. I smiled and kissed him long and passionate.

It's official,” I said, and fell asleep in his arms.


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