sång för döva öron 7

The next day I decided to talk to my mother. It was time to leave him now. My father wouldn't stop until we showed him that we didn't want to take it anymore. At least I wouldn't.

I found her in the living room, in front of the television. She had pulled a blanket around her and held a cup of tea between her hands.

I sat down in front of her.

“Please, mom,” I started with. She looked at me and smiled.

“I sent grandma a text this morning. She says it's okay that we move in with her until..” I continued but she stopped me.

“No,” she signed and shook her head. “I don't need help from her, there is nothing wrong with this family, we don't need...”

I walked away. Couldn't bare another word from her. She knew that there was a big problem in this family and it wouldn't go away if she kept ignoring it.

I sat down in front of the computer in my room with the intention of writing a poem or something. I opened a new dokument.

I barely had time to write 'don't do this mom,' before a beep interupted me. I had a new email. Convinced it was only commersial, but as I saw that it was from him I smiled and opened it quickly.

I read his email with a huge smile on my face, and quickly wrote a reply. I wanted to tell him about how I really felt, because finally I had met someone that treated me like a normal person. And it felt as though I could trust him, but I guess I didn't have the guts to tell him. So I told him everything was alright with me, and I missed him too and of course I wanted to meet him the next day.

“... Lots of love, Hayley,” I finished with and sent it. Afterwards I went down into the kitchen. Mom had made supper, and my father sat there eating. He smiled at me, halfhearted but I didn't return it. I sat down and started eating without paying attention to my parents. I finished quickly and walked upstairs again. I looked at my email and jumped a bit as he had replied.

There was an adress and time

“Meet me there tomorrow,” he had written.

Oh, great. A chance to escape this prison. And more importantly, meet a normal person.

“It's a date,” I answered and rejoiced. I hadn't been able to say or write something like that for way too long. 

Postat av: tova :D

den e bäst :O<3

2009-12-07 @ 18:01:06
Postat av: Nanja:D

Heej :D

Sorry att jag inte har kommenterat innan, men men ,

din julkalender är verkligen bra ^^<3

2009-12-07 @ 18:12:36
Postat av: bror alle

Jag älskar att se dig skriva, förstår inte hur du kan O.o

ska jag skriva ngt så komemr det bara ut skit hahah

fast ja du har ju det i dina gener :)

puss och kram på dig syster <3

2009-12-07 @ 19:12:13
Postat av: tanja <3

du är otroligt duktig på att skriva,

men det vet du redan, hihi.

åh, den är verkligen bra, riktigt bra!

längtar redan tills imorgon happyface <3

2009-12-07 @ 21:16:38

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