sång för döva öron 8

I stood in front of the house. It was a huge apartmenbuilding, taller than most buildings I've ever seen.

I checked the adress again. Yeah, it was the right one. I pressed on the doorbell. This was kind of tricky. Because I couldn't hear when they answered. But he had written in a text that I should buzz and then wait for him and he would open. So I waited, but not for long. Soon he opened the door and greeted me with a hug that felt heavenly. He smelled wonderful and I took a deep breath, to inhale his smell.

He took my hand and led me into the building, up the stairs and into an apartment. He called something into the apartment, that I couldn't read since he was standing next to me, and not in front of. Soon two other guys turned up in front of us. They reached out their hands and said Hello.

“I'm Quinn, and this is Jeph,” one of them said. I recognized them from the stage, and also google. They were the other bandmembers.

They staid for a while and talked with me and I had to use simple sign language to talk back. It felt quite normal and I immediately liked them. Soon they told us that they had to go. Important stuff to work on, but I guessed that they didn't want to impose. Bert rolled his eyes as they said something behind my back. I looked questioning at him. He shook his haid and took my hand again.
“Are you hungry?” he asked. I nodded. I wasn't really, but I think that in that moment, as our hands touched, I would have nodded at anything, just to make him more happy. He smiled big and led me into the kitchen. There he made a couple of sandwiches and hot chocolate. As we sat down at the table he gave me something. A notepad. He smiled smug.

“This time I was prepared,” he said, smiling childishly. I picked up the pen and wrote something on the empty paper.

“Thank you,”

He smiled.

“How are all your five dogs doing?” he asked next.

“Oh, they weren't mine. I work at a dog day care center.”

He laughed.

“What a relief. I thought you were some kind of crazy dog person,” he said laughing. I laughed with him.

“And you still wanted to get to know me? That must mean you are crazy,” I wrote. He laughed and tried to look hurt, but didn't succeed.

“Someone like you, could be with anybody,” I wrote sadly. He looked at the words, then at me.

“I could. I could have anyone,” he agreed. I smiled sarcasticly. “But it's not a matter of who I could be with, but who I want to be with, and I'm here, aren't I?”

I smiled. Yes, he was here. I bent forwards across the table. He got the hint and bent forwards also. Our lips met quick before I sat straight again. We both blushed and sat there, both surrounded by my horrible silence.

“We can watch a movie,” I suggested on the paper. He looked confused. “Do you really want to do that? If you can't hear, I mean?”

I smiled.

“If it's subtitled, then I kan watch it.” I wrote.

“Great, let's do that,” he said and led me into the livingroom. There stood a guitar leaned against the wall and the floor was full of papers. There were notes and words written on them.

“Escuse the mess,” he said apologetic. I smiled and waved my hand. “That's okay,”

We sat down on the sofa, and I leaned on his shoulder. Carefully he took my hand, and twisted our fingers together. I could hear my heartbeat echoing in my entire body. The movie started and it seemed normal at the beginning.

I wasn't focused at the movie in the beginning. I was more thinking about the pressure of his hand against mine.

A couple of times I looked at him, and he smiled at me, and it felt as though my heart beat ten times faster. I smiled back. I suddenly realized that I hadn't paid much attention to the movie so I focused on the screen.

“Please, don't...” the subtitled read. I wondered why the girl said that. One second later a man appeared on the screen, angry. He walked towards the woman and hit her over the face. I sat up immediately, starring at the screen. He kept hitting her and she screamed and cried. I quickly closed my eyes, but tears were already streaming down my face.

He held his arms around me for a long time, before I dared to look up. I met his eyes.

“Are you okay?” he asked worried. I nodded and tried to smile, but couldn't

I looked at the screen. It as black now.

“Do you want to tell me about it?” he asked. I nodded first, but then shook my head. He handed me a pen and paper.

“I can't tell you.” I wrote. He looked a bit hurt. “Yet,” I added. He nodded.

“When you want to tell me, I will be ready,” he said and hugged me again. As our faces came close I leaned in and kissed him again. A bit surprised he kissed me back.

Postat av: Tovis. :D

bäst. :o<3

2009-12-08 @ 21:11:30

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