sång för döva öron 9

I woke up and panicked. I wasn't in my usual bed. I was lying under a warm quilt. I reached out my hand and felt... something warm. A body. I sat up and tried to scream. Then I looked around. Slowly I remembered how I'd gotten there. I lifted the quilt and looked at him. He was lying on his back with his face against me, and his hair layed over his face in curls. I smiled a bit. Last night was returning to me, and I blushed a bit. That was the first time since... ever that I had slept with anyone. I really liked it. I bent forwards and kissed his cheeks. I kissed him again. He started opening his eyes and ours met in a perfect moment.

“God morning,” he said and I could barely read it with the hair in his face. I smiled at him and curled down close to him under the quilt. He put his arms around me and kissed me again.

“I want to tell you,” I wrote on the note. He read it and smiled. He gave me a cup of coffe and sat down on a chair next to me.

“Good,” he said.

And I wrote it all down. Everything I had felt the last days, and everything I feared of and I told him about the pain and frustration of watching my mother.

Tears fell down from my face and onto the paper. He handed me a handkerchief.

“You can stay here, a couple of days,” he told me. I smiled gratefully. It was what I needed.

“Thank you,”

He answered me with a kiss.

Postat av: Anonym

jag dör! D:

fan vad bra. :o<333

2009-12-10 @ 07:21:22
Postat av: Natsumisan@bdb

Du skriver fantastiskt bra! :)

2009-12-10 @ 12:01:25
URL: http://natsumisan.blogg.se/

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